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Research Interest

Data Cloud
Image by Anastasia Dulgier
Social network concept
Game Controller

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is my main field of research. I am currently  a member of cloud and security laboratory of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. During graduation, I have been increasing specialization in the field of virtual machine and network function placement.

Social & Complex Networks

"Complex and Dynamic Networks" course familiarize me with the context and after that found it incredibly  wonderful. I also have experiences in this area as a teaching assistant.

Software Engineering

Organising and managing software product is one of my favorite topic in computer science. I mastered this field through "Software Engineering", "Software Architecture" and "Object Oriented Design" courses.

Game Design

In addition to Gamification and designing  game, Game is my favorite and main hobby. As for experiences, I spent 3 months as game developer intern in arna.

Math Exercises
Image by Markus Spiske

Software Testing and Debugging

Testing and Debugging software product and Fault Localization are my favorite topics. I mastered this field through "Software Engineering", "Software Architecture" and "Object Oriented Design", "Software Testing" and "Test, Debug and refinement" courses.

Formal Methods

I have a background to formal methods through logic and math problems. I won a silver medal in iranian mathematic olympiad which made me great in formal specification and verification topic.

New Fields of Science

Honestly, I prefer adventures to being conservative so I am extremely keen to explore new fields of science. During my academic life, I chose a wide range of topic to pursue and continue this strategy until retiring.

Research Interests: Interests
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